Thursday, March 25, 2010

Prepping for jet setting

After months of prepping and going over every detail of what I might need, a thought occurred to me. The more efficient I try to be, the more upsetting it is when I realize I've overlooked a little detail. I can't plan for everything, so just go with the flow. But if you do need anything (band-aids, Pepto Bismol...), I probably have it.

I will be travelling to the Philippines for two weeks with the Sanctus Lite team. Then a friend and I will breaking off from the group to travel northwards in Vietnam (after some much needed R&R in a beach villa). We will say our goodbyes and I will head off to Thailand to meet a whole set of new adventurers. From Thailand we will travel down into Malaysia and Singapore and end up in Indonesia. From there, I'll pop back up to Hong Kong where a friend will guide me through the sights and sounds of the bustling city. Then I'm back to enjoy summertime in Vancouver.

I will try to chronicle noteworthy events. That being one's I think are funny, strange or something that I would like to read about (aka short and interesting). Feel free to add your travelling tips or comments on this blog. I'm always looking for good advice.

Bon Voyage!

P.S. - Mom, please don't comment on my grammar/spelling.


  1. Why does it feel like I'm going to miss you more than I missed you when you were living in Calgary?
    This will be a wonderful trip. I'm so glad you're going to share it with us via your blog.

  2. What a trip, Aly! I'll look forward to hearing details.
    Blessings and love
